

鄧華玉 Martina Hwa-Yuh Deng

Deputy Director General, Department of Gender Equality, Executive Yuan

黃鈴翔 Ling-Hsiang (Sunny) Huang

財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會 副執行長
Vice Director, Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development


靜宜大學人文暨社會科學院 助理教授
Assistant Professor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences in Providence University, Taichung City

陳亮恭 Liang-Kung Chen

Director, Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

周玟琪 Wen-Chi Grace Chou

國立中正大學勞工關係學系 專任教授
Professor, Department of Labor Relations, National Chung Cheng University

駱菲莉 Feili Lo Yang

輔仁大學營養科學系 主任
Chairman, Department of Nutritional Science, Fu Jen Catholic University

合作夥伴//Our Partners

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贊助計畫//Sponsorship Prospectus






We appreciate all the support. Thank you.

會議旅遊//Conference Tour


  • 故宮博物院參訪National Palace Museum
  • 一日遊(自費)Optional tours
    • 請選擇Please choose tour A or B
    • 費用:每人新台幣1500 元
      NT$ 1,500 per person (approximately US $50)
    • 請著輕便服裝,並攜帶防曬用品,如:雨傘、防曬乳、帽子、太陽眼鏡
      Comfortable shoes and clothing are recommended for all tours. For any outdoor tours, we recommend that participants bring umbrella, sun protection cream, sunhat, and sunglasses.



台北新板希爾頓酒店 宴會樓 2樓如意廳


  • 板橋凱撒大飯店
  • 趣淘漫旅台北

Environmental Protection Policy

★ In response to green environmental protection, the conference announced that participants are advised to bring their own toiletries.


停車-提供地下室停車場  (請停至B4及B5樓層)





To promote environmentally friendly transportation, YouBike uses an electronic unmanned automated management system to provide “A Leases and B Returns” bike rental service. We hope that bikes will be chosen as the last-mile public transit vehicle and more citizens will be glad to use the mass transit system and meanwhile, environmental protection and energy conservation will be achieved, and a new commuting culture will emerge. For More information, please visit: https://ntpc.youbike.com.tw/home/

Environmental Protection Policy

★ To protect the environment, it is highly recommended to choose airline companies with Carbon Offset Program. Listed companies are as below :
Air Canada
Air New Zealand
British Airways
Cathay Pacific
China Airlines
China Southern Airlines
Delta Airlines
Eva Air
Gulf Air
Japan Airlines
JetBlue Airways
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Korean Air
Singapore Airlines
United Airlines
Virgin Australia

What is carbon neutrality?

Carbon neutrality refers to a series of policies such as using renewable energy and save-energy facilities to reduce carbon emissions, and at the finally via Carbon Offsets to purchase the amount of carbon emissions that is unable to reduce to achieve a net zero greenhouse gas emissions and aims to prevent the global warming.
Because the greenhouse gas emissions are inevitable in daily life, Carbon Offsets is still the way to achieve the net zero emissions. This is to say that greenhouse gas emissions produced by personal or organizations activities such as daily life behave, travel by airplane or office work are counted and paid to Carbon Offsets service business companies or non-profit organizations. These service business companies or organizations directly or indirectly promote the carbon reduction program to cover consumers’ carbon emissions reduction or offsets.

註冊資訊//Registration Information

  • 註冊費:美金USD275元。
  • 註冊截止日:2019年6月5日(三)
  • 註冊費包含:會期間上下午茶點、午餐、6/23歡迎晚宴、6/25文化之夜、6/26惜別晚宴。


Environmental Protection Policy

★For energy conservation and environmental protection, participants are requested to bring their own cutleries and water bottle.
★In response to energy conservation and carbon reduction, exhibitors are suggested to provide less printed promotional materials and properly recycle resources for environmental protection.
★In order to reduce the environmental impact of the event, the event was introduced into the “Green MICE Guidelines” of the MEET TAIWAN Program of the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs to implement energy conservation and carbon reduction and create a sustainable environment.


重要日期//Important Dates

  • 2018.12.15
    • 必須收到任何要提名候選人的NMO的費用。 International dues must be received for any NMO that plans to nominate a candidate
    • NMOs開始選擇會議出席基金的被提名人/候選人,請於官網查看資格和申請表。 NMOs start process to select nominees for Conference Attendance Fund. See website for eligibility and application form.
  • 2018.12.22
    • 出納通知秘書哪些NMO信譽良好;提名程序開始(會議前6個月) Treasurer notifies secretary which NMO’s are in good standing; nomination process opens (6 months before conference)
  • 2019.2.22
    • 提名結束(開幕式前4個月),必須收到會議出席基金的提名。 Nominations close (4 months before conference opening ceremony). Conference attendance Fund nominations must be received.
  • 2019.3.22
    • 秘書在會議前不遲於3個月向NMO分發提名名單。Secretary circulates the list of nominations to NMO’s not later than 3 months before the conference.
  • 2019.3.15
    • 早鳥報名(US$ 250註冊費)截止。Last day to receive $250 registration fee
  • 2019.3.16
    • 逾期註冊費US$ 275。Late registration fee $275
  • 2019.4.22
    • NMO提交代表和候補名單,只有NMO信譽良好(已付會費)才能派代表出席,提交的姓名必須是NMO的成員。NMO’s submit list of delegates and alternates. Only NMO’s in good standing (have paid dues) may send delegates. Names submitted must be members of the NMO.
  • 2019.5.22
    • NMO提交出席代表的最終名單。NMO’s submit final list of delegates.
  • 2019.6.10
    • 最後一天通過PayPal付款註冊;寄到郵政信箱的支票必須收到。Last day to pay registration via PayPal; checks to PO box must be received.
  • 2019.6.12
    • 寄送會議所需使用的簡報、影片或音樂檔至taiwan.ppseawa@gmail.comSend PPT, video, or music files for your reports and presentation. to taiwan.ppseawa@gmail.com
  • 2019.6.22
    • 最後一天在會場註冊並支付費用(美元支票或現金)。Last day to register and pay fee at venue ($US check or cash only).