Welcome to the 27th PPSEAWA International Conference. PPSEAWA Taiwan is honored and privileged to host this triennial Conference for the first time. Over the past 90 plus years, under the leadership of International Presidents and Councils, PPSEAWA has grown into a globally renowned NGO. With outstanding works done by each National Member Organization, PPSEAWA has contributed significantly to the sustainable development goals.
International Conference has always been an important event to us. It’s a great occasion for members to gather together to discuss issues of mutual concerns, improve status of women and children, and plan for the future. This time is no exception, our theme “Life’s Journey to Wellbeing” is especially relevant today. While we benefit from modern medicine and better living environment, we need to promote lifelong wellness habits and empower economically through a women’s life course. Through this Conference, not only will we upheld our missions, we will also have the opportunity to shape a new vision for the global community and to renew our friendships with our sisters around the world.
Conference and workshops aside, I hope you will have the chance to explore areas of Taiwan. I believe our beautiful scenery, world-renowned cuisine, and friendly people, altogether will leave you with wonderful memories. Lastly, but not the least, we want to express our appreciation to the executive committee, for their guidance and support. Once again, I am honored that PPSEAWA Taiwan can host this conference. I wish everyone a successful and fruitful conference. Have a pleasant stay in Taiwan.
歡迎各位PPSEAWA姐妹們前來參加第27屆PPSEAWA國際會議!淑珠謹代表PPSEAWA中華民國分會(以下簡稱PPSEAWA 台灣)誠摯歡迎各位到來。 台灣很榮幸有機會舉辦三年一次的國際年會,更是 90年來第一次在台灣舉行,全體姊妹們同感榮耀,並全力以赴籌辦此次年會!
促成國際年會在台舉辦,一直是PPSEAWA中華民國分會持續努力的目標。透過年會的主辦,所有PPSEAWA姊妹們得以相聚一堂,討論共同關心的議題,進而提昇全球婦女及兒童之權益保障,並為所有女性規劃永續璀燦的未來。2019年會的主題為「Life’s Journey to Wellbeing,生命的幸福之旅」。二十一世紀新女性雖受益於現代醫學發達,整體物質環境提升,而享有更優質的生活。但在整個女性生命歷程中,我們仍須努力建立良好的生活習慣,和獨立的經濟能力,以迎向幸福人生。期盼透過本次會議討論,繼續堅持我們的任務與使命,並為全球婦女權益擘畫一個嶄新的未來!藉由未來幾天會議的討論與交流,將更加深來自全球各地姐妹們的情誼。