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- 2018.12.15
- 必須收到任何要提名候選人的NMO的費用。 International dues must be received for any NMO that plans to nominate a candidate
- NMOs開始選擇會議出席基金的被提名人/候選人,請於官網查看資格和申請表。 NMOs start process to select nominees for Conference Attendance Fund. See website for eligibility and application form.
- 2018.12.22
- 出納通知秘書哪些NMO信譽良好;提名程序開始(會議前6個月) Treasurer notifies secretary which NMO’s are in good standing; nomination process opens (6 months before conference)
- 2019.2.22
- 提名結束(開幕式前4個月),必須收到會議出席基金的提名。 Nominations close (4 months before conference opening ceremony). Conference attendance Fund nominations must be received.
- 2019.3.22
- 秘書在會議前不遲於3個月向NMO分發提名名單。Secretary circulates the list of nominations to NMO’s not later than 3 months before the conference.
- 2019.3.15
- 早鳥報名(US$ 250註冊費)截止。Last day to receive $250 registration fee
- 2019.3.16
- 逾期註冊費US$ 275。Late registration fee $275
- 2019.4.22
- NMO提交代表和候補名單,只有NMO信譽良好(已付會費)才能派代表出席,提交的姓名必須是NMO的成員。NMO’s submit list of delegates and alternates. Only NMO’s in good standing (have paid dues) may send delegates. Names submitted must be members of the NMO.
- 2019.5.22
- NMO提交出席代表的最終名單。NMO’s submit final list of delegates.
- 2019.6.10
- 最後一天通過PayPal付款註冊;寄到郵政信箱的支票必須收到。Last day to pay registration via PayPal; checks to PO box must be received.
- 2019.6.12
- 寄送會議所需使用的簡報、影片或音樂檔至。Send PPT, video, or music files for your reports and presentation. to
- 2019.6.22
- 最後一天在會場註冊並支付費用(美元支票或現金)。Last day to register and pay fee at venue ($US check or cash only).