座談會3 Panel Presentation 3
Advance women’s wellbeing—Promoting women’s economic empowerment and gender equality.
- 主持人 Moderator
- Akari Yamada
- 講師 Speakers
- 鄧華玉 Martina Hwa-Yuh Deng
Deputy Director General, Department of Gender Equality, Executive Yuan - 黃鈴翔 Ling-Hsiang (Sunny) Huang
財團法人婦女權益促進發展基金會 副執行長
Vice Director, Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development - 賴紅汝 Hung Ju Lai
靜宜大學人文暨社會科學院 助理教授
Assistant Professor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences in Providence University, Taichung City
- 鄧華玉 Martina Hwa-Yuh Deng

Presented by Martina Deng.

Presented by Martina Deng.

Presented by Ling Hsiang Huang (Sunny).

Presented by Ling Hsiang Huang (Sunny).

Presented by Hung Ju Lai.

The moderator, Akari Yamada, gave the summary for panel presentation 3.

Participants posed for pictures with panelist, Ling Hsiang Huang (Sunny).

Participants posed for pictures.
座談會4 Panel Presentation 4
Labor force shortage resulted from aging society, women’s prospective.
- 主持人 Moderator
- Dr. Raj Abdul Karim
- 講師 Speakers
- 陳亮恭 Liang-Kung Chen
Director, Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital - 周玟琪 Wen-Chi Grace Chou
國立中正大學勞工關係學系 專任教授
Professor, Department of Labor Relations, National Chung Cheng University - 駱菲莉 Feili Lo Yang
輔仁大學營養科學系 主任
Chairman, Department of Nutritional Science, Fu Jen Catholic University
- 陳亮恭 Liang-Kung Chen

Presented by Dr. Liang Kung Chen.

Presented by Dr. Liang Kung Chen.

Presented by Wen-Chi Chou (Grace).

Presented by Wen-Chi Chou (Grace).

Presented by Feili Lo Yang.

Presented by Feili Lo Yang.

The participants listened attentively to the presentations.

The participants listened attentively to the presentations.

The panel is full of audience.

Kazuko Kano raised a question.

Natalie Christo raised a question.

The audience gave a round of applause for all of the speakers.

From left to right, Dr. Liang-Kung Chen, Dr. Wen-Chi Chou, Dr. Raj Abdul Karim, 2019 Conference Chairman Regina Chen, Dr. Feili Lo Yang.

Regina Chen, 2019 Conference Chair and Colette Young-Pohlman, Delegate of PPSEAWA Hawaii.

Participants posed for pictures.

Participants posed for pictures.