註冊資訊//Registration Information

  • 註冊費:美金USD275元。
  • 註冊截止日:2019年6月5日(三)
  • 註冊費包含:會期間上下午茶點、午餐、6/23歡迎晚宴、6/25文化之夜、6/26惜別晚宴。


Environmental Protection Policy

★For energy conservation and environmental protection, participants are requested to bring their own cutleries and water bottle.
★In response to energy conservation and carbon reduction, exhibitors are suggested to provide less printed promotional materials and properly recycle resources for environmental protection.
★In order to reduce the environmental impact of the event, the event was introduced into the “Green MICE Guidelines” of the MEET TAIWAN Program of the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs to implement energy conservation and carbon reduction and create a sustainable environment.
