Dr. Yukiko Takezawa
Dr. Yukiko, a lecturer at Osaka Jogakuin University and a youth representative at PPSEAWA International, shared how Japan has managed to achieve gender equality in governmental institutional levels related to cooperation with NGOs. She introduced Japan’s gender problem due to issues such as employment, income gap, and domestic violence. During her introduction she included two questions: how had the Japanese government worked on legislation and institutionalization on gender equality? And how do legislation and institutions regarding gender equality cooperate with NGOs?NPOs to implement public policies? Japan has had many milestones for gender equality including giving women the right to vote after World War II. More recently there have been more laws passed including improvements in the participation of women in the workplace. The Basic Act on Gender-Equal Society included NGOs as members of society allowed to decide policies of state. The latest action plan was set on 2020 which covers 11 fields of gender equality.
Ministers have cooperated with NGOs in the past through a Gender equality bureau. A regular meeting held by Gender Equality Bureau and NPOs/NGOs include a sharing of information and perspectives between each other.