Sunghee Kim 女士榮任泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會韓國的新任理事長

Ms. Mondhiya Bhangsbha, PPSEAWA International Secretary, sent an e-mail to Ms. Regina Chen,

國際總會秘書長來函通知,Sunghee Kim女士榮任泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會韓國的新任理事長,陳理事長以寄送賀函。

Ms. Mondhiya Bhangsbha, PPSEAWA International Secretary, sent an e-mail to Ms. Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan, stating that Ms. Sunghee Kim has become the new president of PPSEAWA Korea. Regina has written a congratulation letter to her.