
The 58th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

UN CSW58 & NGO CSW Forum
時間Date | 2014.03.10-21
地點Venue | United Nations Headquarters in New York
主題Theme | 落實”千禧年發展目標”女性相關指標的成就與挑戰 Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls


3月11日早上的一場周邊會議,主題為Human Rights, Justice and Sustainable Development, 邀請美國大學教授及社會知名人仕擔任講員。有一位說到: 『No Development without peace, no peace without development towards inclusion of UNSCR (Security Council Regulation)1325 in the post 2015 agenda.』另外,『Improving the prospects of women with fistula and giving back their dignity and self-esteem.』




中華民國分會推薦泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會美國總會長– Ms. Taina A. R. Woodword在婦權會,於3月10日主辦的周邊會議上擔任主講人,會議主題為Women’s Caring & Health, Empowerment Women and Violence against Women.她主講得為提升婦女。
三位代表在3月9日早上在UN Church Center遇見了Mr. Venus Ilagan, president of Rehabilitation International (見附圖),他邀請我們參加他的周邊會議。我認為幫助殘障婦女重建,這個議題在台灣似乎不怎麼熱烈,所以,我參加用心聽講。這場會議是由三個單位合辦,除了Rehabilitation International之外,還有Norwegian Women’s Public Health Association及Women’s Health Association of Ethiopia。內容有Mr. Venus Ilagan講述RI’s Initiatives for Mainstreaming Women with Disabilities in 2014 and Beyond. Ms. Birikit Terefe Tiruneh, Executive Director, Women’s Health Association of Ethiopia 述說 ‘Including Women with Disabilities in Ethiopian Women’s Association’. Ms. Venus Ilagan, secretary-general, Rehabilitation International ‘Realizing Rights for Women with Disabilities—What does it mean in practice?’ Ms. Anne-Karin Nygaard Larsen, secretary-general, Norwegian Women’s Public Health Association, 擔任主持人。現場的聽眾還不少,看來這議題有許多人關注。