2020 Peace Activity
地點Venue:台北市青年公園 Youth Park, Taipei City
於2020年9月21日和平日這一天, PPSEAWA台灣的會員們參觀了「2019年國際年會」和平活動中,在台北市青年公園種植的八棵代表和平永續精神的紅楠樹。這些樹在PPSEAWA台灣的悉心照顧下,已經亭亭玉立、綠葉繁盛了。會員們用七彩花朵排出了和平標誌,每朵花都象徵著我們對和平的承諾與期盼。活動中會員們相互交流如何建立一個更具包容性和平社會的看法。最後姊妹們以靜默一分鐘,來祈禱全球和平的早日到來。
On Peace Day, 9/21/2020, PPSEAWA Taiwan members and executives visited the eight red Nanmu trees that were planted during the 2019 International Conference peace activity at the Taipei Youth Park. Our peace trees have grown up strong, some even reaching two meters in height. A flower dedication ceremony was held in which members used colorful flowers to make a peace sign. Each flower symbolized our hope and commitments to peace. Afterwards, ideas of how to make a more inclusive and peaceful society were exchanged and a minute of silence was shared in honor of peacebuilding.