理事長的話 A Message from President

PPSEAWA成立於1928年,中華民國為四個創始會員國之一,至今已有將近百年的歷史;PPSEAWA中華民國分會 (以下簡稱PPSEAWA Taiwan ) 自2013年第14屆理事長陳淑珠女士接任以來,以企業化經營的方式,推展PPSEAWA Taiwan會務及國際交流,充分展現她的理念「以國際交流促進國民外交」;再再成功的活動,讓大家重新再認識PPSEAWA Taiwan,PPSEAWA國際總會對PPSEAWA Taiwan一再予以肯定的讚賞,尤其在2019年圓滿舉辦第27屆國際年會,總會表示這是一場百年來非常難得的高水準國際年會。能開創嶄新的未來。

The Pan Pacific & Southeast Asia Women’s Association was established in 1928, with the Republic of China as one of the 4 founding members. Ever since assuming office as the 14th President of the PPSEAWA Taiwan, ROC, Madame Regina Chen, with the support of her abundant experience of entrepreneurship in managing her own enterprises over the years, devoted unreservedly in the promotion of PPSEAWA Taiwan’s overall operations and its interaction and exchange with the international society. Accordingly, the Association’s goal of enhancing “people to people diplomacy” through international interflow has been fruitfully achieved. Series of notable events was hosted with resounding success. This further enables the world to gain a better and deeper understanding of PPSEAWA Taiwan. In particular, the 27th PPSEAWA International Conference 2019 held in Taiwan for the first time in the past 75 years reached brilliant accomplishment, winning praise and recognition from the PPSEAWA International as well as all member states.

2019年12月承蒙會員的支持與肯定,曼君很榮幸地接任第16屆理事長!未來三年,將持續推動會員國間的交流活動以及相關國際會議的參與,也將鼓勵PPSEAWA Taiwan的會員積極參加國際會議,以提高台灣對國際非政府組織的參與能量,藉此這平台對全球婦女議題作出更多貢獻,將台灣創新女力的成績傳達到全世界,進而成為推動台灣婦女國際交流與落實性別平權的永續發展平台。同時培育優秀年輕人參與INGO,為PPSEAWA注入新血,繼續傳承PPSEAWA任務使命。

In December 2019, with the support and endorsement of all members, I was deeply honored to accept the responsibility as the 16th President of PPSEAWA Taiwan. ROC. In the next 3 years, I will do my utmost best to continue promoting exchanges with our sister state members and participation in all international events and activities. I will likewise encourage and sponsor members of PPSEAWA Taiwan to actively participate in various international conferences, as a means to level up our volume and support for INGO events. By doing so, we hope that Taiwan can make more contribution to global women’s issues and to show the world Taiwan’s achievement in women’s empowerment. It is our hope that PPSEAWA Taiwan will become a platform for sustained development in promoting and fulfilling Taiwan’s international participation as well as gender equality. In my capacity as President, I will also encourage more vigorous and younger people to join us, hence bring in new blood to pass down the legacy and mission of PPSEAWA Taiwan.

感謝過去6年,淑珠理事長已經為PPSEAWA Taiwan重新建構了強健體質及重要的資源,未來的發展掌握在我們大家的手中,期盼各位能共襄盛舉,與我們繼續推動「以國際交流促進國民外交」的理念,積極地參與與承擔國民外交及促進國際間友誼!

In the past 6 years, thanks to President Regina Chen’s contribution to rebuilding a strong foundation and providing abundant resources and support for us. The future of PPSEAWA Taiwan is now in our hands. I sincerely hope that all sisters can work closely together with me to carry on promoting the idea of “people to people diplomacy” through international exchange, and further advance Taiwan’s friendship and cooperation with the world!

Mandy Chen
President, PPSEAWA Taiwan, ROC