Women and Girls empowerment for climate emergency: The Next

PPSEAWA Taiwan泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會,於台灣時間2022年3月15日(二)上午09:00–11:00舉辦聯合國第六十六屆非政府組織婦女地位委員會(簡稱2022 NGO CSW66)直播平行論壇,「強化女性在氣候緊急時代下的力量:下一步?/Women and Girls empowerment for climate emergency:The Next」。
我們期待培養什麼樣的下一代女性呢? 這次會議將從教育、公私伙伴關係、企業、政策倡議和國際合作的角度來看,如何強化女性的力量來面對氣候緊急情況的挑戰,我們將了解我們的下一步應該怎麼做?來建構一個更好、沒有氣候緊急情況的美好環境。
In 2021, the magazine Scientific American published an article titled “World Scientists’ warning of a Climate Emergency.” At the time, more than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries agreed that bold actions are needed to combat this climate emergency. How can we, as women, turn this crisis around? Perhaps a woman’s specific characteristics like kindness, resilience and tolerance will be the drivers of this transformation.
However, what characteristics can we expect from our next generation? How can we empower females to face the challenges of climate change? Through policy advocacy and international cooperation and from gathering perspectives from different sectors of our community we will learn about the next steps to take in order to achieve a better environment with no climate emergency.

Ying-Ying Lai, Director-general of the Department of Waste Management at Environmental Protection Administration, gave a lecture on the Status and Policy of Circular Economy in Taiwan.

The presentation of Prof. Delia Senoro is about how women lead in on-ground activities to monitor environmental quality and develop tools to address climate emergencies during the period of COVID-19 pandemic. Tools that would reduce the risks of the public from natural and anthropogenic disasters.

Dr. Sachi try to promote a Sustainable Future by created space for women in “Dialogues”.

Hsiao-Fen Lai gave a lecture on Women and Climate Action in Taiwan. She shared the experience of Homemakers United Foundation (HUF) in order to promote a low-carbon lifestyle and raise awareness on environmental issues.

Professor Ya-Fen Wang shared the Students-based Sustainable Environmental Education Action for Southeast Asian Countries.