Women and Girls empowerment for climate emergency: The Next
#NGO CSW66 Virtual Forum #Taiwan4Her #Taiwan4ClimateJustice

In 2021, the magazine Scientific American published an article titled “World Scientists’ warning of a Climate Emergency.” At the time, more than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries agreed that bold actions are needed to combat this climate emergency. How can we, as women, turn this crisis around? Perhaps a woman’s specific characteristics like kindness, resilience and tolerance will be the drivers of this transformation.
However, what characteristics can we expect from our next generation? How can we empower females to face the challenges of climate change? Through policy advocacy and international cooperation and from gathering perspectives from different sectors of our community we will learn about the next steps to take in order to achieve a better environment with no climate emergency.
2021年,《美國科學人》雜誌發表了一篇名為“世界科學家對氣候緊急情況的警告”的研究文章。當時,來自 153 個國家的 11,000 多名科學家一致認為,在氣候緊急情況下需要採取更前瞻的行動。這個世代如何讓危機變成轉機?或許女性善良、堅韌、寬容等特質,有機會推動世界發生變化。
然而,我們期待培養什麼樣的下一代女性呢?這次會議與台南新芽協會主辦的2022亞太社會創新高峰會(2022 APSIS)合作,同樣關注性別與永續議題,將從教育、公私伙伴關係、企業、政策倡議和國際合作的角度來看,如何強化女性的力量來面對氣候緊急情況的挑戰,我們將了解我們的下一步應該怎麼做?來建構一個更好、沒有氣候緊急情況的美好環境。