
2018 Women for SDGs Forum

時間Date: 2018.10.24

All participants posed for photographs.
PPSEAWA國際總會第一副會長Mondhiya(左)與PPSEAWA中華民國分會常務理事Mandy Chen(右)合影。
Mondhiya (left), 1st Vice President of PPSEAWA International and Mandy Chen (right), Executive Director of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C.
貴賓合影。由左至右分別為:婦女權益促進發展基金會 黃鈴翔 副執行長、PPSEAWA國際總會 第一副會長 Mondhiya、PPSEAWA中華民國分會 常務理事Mandy Chen。
From left to right: Sunny Huang, Deputy CEO of FWRPD; Mondhiya, 1st Vice President of PPSEAWA International; Mandy Chen, Executive Director of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C.
Participants posed for photographs.
參訪臺中霧峰光復新村的INGO中心 本次活動由一個為期一天的論壇及半日的實地考察組成,與會者於10月25日前往霧峰區的光復新村參觀國際非政府組織中心,他們對INGO中心豐富的文化和熱情印象深刻。
Visit the international INGO Center The event will consist by a one-day forum with a half-day field trip to Guang Fu Village, the INGO Center. The participants have left for Wufeng to visit the international NGO Center on October 25. They were all very impressed with the enriched culture and passions of the center.
All participants posed for a picture at the INGO center.
Mondhiya 參觀台中香蕉新樂園。
Mondhiya visited Banana New Paradise in Taichung.
Mondhiya 於光復新村留言紀念。
Mondhiya left a short message to commemorating in Guang Fu Village.
臺中女兒館進行圓桌論壇 台灣非政府組織代表和國際非政府組織代表討論如何培養青年工作者,以及如何擴大組織在青年族群的影響力。
Round Table Discussion on Youth Empowerment Guidelines. Local NGO workers and International NGO workers exchange experiences and opinions on how organizations can train young workers and how to extend their impact among youth.