PPSEAWA Taiwan Youth Training Program “Changing the World from Young Generation”
時間Date:2017.08.31~09.01 地點Venue:外交部外交及國際事務學院 Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
PPSEAWA Taiwan為了籌劃2019年國際年會,特別與外交部聯合舉辦為期2天的青年志工培訓課程。各大專院校的學生們報名踴躍,不僅擴大了國際觀,也開啟了參與國際NGO組織事務的機會。 In preparation for the 2019 International Conference, PPSEAWA Taiwan in conjunction with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) held the PPSEAWA (Taiwan) Youth Volunteer Training Workshop on Aug. 31 and Sep. 1, 2017. Many students from varies colleges attended and participated. Students has broaden their knowledge of international affairs and inspired to join NGOs, especially PPSEAWA.
大合照 Group photo
外交部NGO國際事務會翁瑛敏執行長和PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC陳淑珠理事長合影。 Chief Executive Officer of the Department of NGO International Affairs, Judy Ying-Ming Wong and PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC President Regina Chen.PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC陳淑珠理事長致詞。 Opening Remarks by President Regina Chen.PPSEAWA及CSW年會分享與交流 Panel on PPSEAWA Introduction, International Conference, and CSW.輔仁大學推廣部主任潘榮吉講課”青年國際參與” Fu Jen Catholic University School of Professional and Continuing Education Director Pan, Ronji giving lecture on “Youth Participation of International Affair”.
外交部NGO國際事務會翁瑛敏執行長致詞。 Lecture by NGO International Affair CEO Judy Ying-Ming Wong.台灣大學徐斯勤教授講課”台灣國際趨勢發展” National Taiwan University Professor Hsu, S-Chin giving lecture on Taiwan’s International Development Trends.外交部禮賓處洪正彬副參事講課 ”國際禮儀” MOFA Department of Protocol Deputy Counselor Hung, Cheng-Pin giving lecture on International Protocol and Etiquette.賴美瑛老師講課 Speaker May Lai giving lecture.