PPSEAWA 2017 期中理事會會議

2017 PPSEAWA International Midterm Council Meeting

時間Date: 2017.08.07-09
地點Venue: 泰國曼谷Bangkok, Thailand

右起From Right—Dr. Genie Trapp(夏威夷分會會長 President of PPSEAWA Hawaii)、Dr. Susan Iwamura(總會財務長 PPSEAWA Int’l Treasurer)、Akari Yamada(總會第二副會長 PPSEAWA Int’l 2nd Vice President)、Rahmah Abdul Hamid(總會會長)、Mondhiya Bhangsbha(總會第一副會長PPSEAWA Int’l 1st Vice President)、Mei Chuan Chao(總會秘書長 PPSEAWA Int’l Secretary)
左起From left—Taina Tagicakibau(斐濟會長 President of PPSEAWA Fiji )、Rahmah Abdul Hamid(總會會長President of PPSEAWA Int’l )、Reapi Masau(Fiji)、Titilia Vuataki(Fiji)。
台灣代表合照 PPSEAWA Taiwan Delegates
右起From Right—Teresa(總會前會長Immediate past President)/USA、Jean Bennett(總會副會長PPSEAWA Int’l Vice President)、Amy Ai Banker(UN代表 UN Representative)、Polly Chang(總會副會長 PPSEAWA Int’l Vice President)、Mandy(2019 年國際大會財務長Treasure for 2019 Conference)
UN代表。UN Representative Amy Ai Banker/USA.
總會前會長Teresa A. Hintzke做CoNGO報告 The Immediate Past President Teresa A. Hintzke is doingCoNGO Report.
楊資華秘書長—台灣會務報告 Helen Yang, Secretary General of PPSEAWA Taiwan is doing Country Report.
Mandy常務理事和楊資華秘書長—台灣2019年大會報告 Mandy Chen, Executive Director of PPSEAWA Taiwan and Helen Yang are doing 2019 Conference presentation.
總會理事會成員合影。Group photo of PPSEAWA International Council Members.
Salathip restaurant
熱鬧的曼谷市集 Downtown Bangkok