
The 3rd Session of the 14th General Assembly and Keynote Speech

時間Date: 2015.07.30
地點Venue: 台北Taipei

Keynote speech: “Energy Cultivation—recovery of health and vitality”

Keynote speaker: Dr. Ethan Chen
Education: Doctorate, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Experience: Attending Doctor, Chinese Medical Department, Tianjin Maguang medical and Treatment Out-patient Department
Specialty: research on “Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases” ; Obstetrics and Gynecology; General medicine

PPSEAWA陳淑珠理事長致詞。 Opening remarks by President Regina Chen
會員大會會議進行中。 Member conference in session.


My thanks to the board directors and members of PPSEAWA Taiwan. Owing to your full support, various tasks of the association are smoothly progressing.
Among 19 member nations of PPSEAWA international, nine of them have established representative offices in Taiwan. Just recently, we have invited ambassador CATHERINE JANE RAPER, Australian representative in Taipei for a lunch gathering. During the meeting, many vital women issues were discussed. Both sides expressed interest in expanding exchange of issues of mutual concerns. In the future, PPSEAWA Taiwan will follow the pattern to extend our contact with foreign representatives in Taiwan.
In June, the association hosted a successful visit to the renowned low carbon community-Jiantang in Taipei city. We have also forwarded a detail report of the visit to PPSEAWA International and all member nations, which gave us various warm response and feedback. Countries around the world now support fully the concept of low carbon environmental protection, and the main theme of next year PPSEAWA international conference in Malaysia is also focusing on energy conservation and carbon reduction. Through the interaction this time, we felt the warm friendship of other member nations, and we are planning the possibility of visiting PPSEAWA Japan and Thailand.
The main theme of UN Women next year will focus on negotiations for women. In consequence, we discovered that negotiation skill is not an issue that attracts deserved attention in Taiwan, even though it is fairly important in the business and economic fields. We are planning to focus on the subject, and host related activities at the end of this year. We look forward to the participation of all members of the association.

常務監事秦舜英致詞。 Board director Chin Shunying
總會副會長凌渝英致詞。 Sophia Ling, VP of PPSEAWA International is giving a speech.
會員張珮鑾擔任橙縣北橙中文學校校長,為PPSEAWA美國總會青年代表,是協會非常優秀的生力軍。 Member Polly Chang, Principal of North Orange County Chinese School, who is concurrently the Youth Representative of PPSEAWA USA, is without doubt an outstanding new force of the association.
會員-靜宜大學陳明媚教授,通過婦權基金會甄選,代表PPSEAWA參加今年3月份於紐約舉辦之2015年非政府組織婦女地位委員會(NGO CSW)。 Sponsored by the Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion, Member Chen Mingmei, professor of Providence University, represented PPSEAWA ROC to participate in the 2015 NGO CSW in New York.
歡迎新會員加入PPSEAWA這個大家庭,左起邱秀娥、陳楊來春、游秀鑾。 Welcoming new members of the PPSEAWA family: from left Chiu Hsiu o, Sophie Chen Yang, and Jessie Yu.
陳淑珠理事長與周繼儒理事、嚴武英監事、胡淑貞會員合影。 President Regina Chen with board directors Rosemary Chou, Yan Wuying, and member Hu Shujian.
理監事及會員合影留念,左起會員張晉鑾、理事陳晨曦、常務監事秦舜英、國際副會長凌渝英、理事周繼儒、會員胡淑貞。 Photo session for board directors and members of association, From the left: member Chang Jinluan, board director Sisley Chen, board director Chin Shunying, Vice President PPSEAWA International Sophia Ling, board director Rosemary Chou, member Hu Shujian.
財務長吳惠萍報告本會103年財務狀況。 Chief Finance officer Wu Hungping is giving the 2014 financial report of the association.
團體會員-現代婦女基金會潘維剛理事長致詞。 Group member Pan, Wei-Kang, President of Modern Women’s Foundation.
會員潘莉華為千代文教基金會執行長,2014年與PPSEAWA合辦"從「品格教育」反思「媒體的力量」研討會"。 Member Pan Lihua, who is also the president of Millennium Culture and Education Foundation talks about the seminar on “reflections of the power of media through character building education”, co-hosted with PPSEAWA ROC in 2014.
王貽芬理事報告2014年9月前往芝加哥參加國際理事會見聞,並邀請會員踴躍參加2016年馬來西亞國際大會。 Board director Evelyn Wang’s report on PPSEAWA International annual conference in Chicago, September 2014. Members were also invited to participate the upcoming 2016 Malaysia conference.
嚴武英監事(後左)、周繼儒理事(後右)、陳晨曦理事(前)合影。 Board directors Yan Wuying(rear left), Rosemary Chou (rear right), and Sisley Chen(front).
陳淑珠理事長、潘維剛理事長與PPSEAWA理監事及會員合影。 Photo session for President Regina Chen, President Pan, Wei-Kang, Modern Women’s Foundation, and board directors and members of PPSEAWA Taiwan.
PPSEAWA會員們都是在各自的領域上有專業表現的傑出女性。 Members of PPSEAWA are all outstanding professionals in their own fields!
由於全體會員的付出及參與,讓協會有機會在國際上發光發熱,為國家外交盡一己之力。 Owing to the devotion and participation of every member, PPSEAWA is given the opportunity to shine in international occasions, contributing its share to ROC diplomacy.