The Third Council Meeting and the member- getting- to-gather afternoon tea party
本會召開第14屆第3次理監事會議由理事長陳淑珠主持(中)、常務監事秦舜英(右)、張雪琴理事(左)。President Regina Chen (middle) is presiding the council meeting.在新任理事長陳淑珠帶領下,歷次理監事會議一向是全體理監全員出席,座無虛席。 Under the leadership of president Regina Chen, all council members are attending the third meeting.理監事會議後舉行新春會員聯誼餐會,會員踴躍出席近四十餘位。Over 40 members participating the spring gathering—afternoon tea party.姐妹們開心地談論著大夥很久不見了。感謝理事長安排這場精緻又溫馨的聚會。左起:談鳳英,簡品淑,陳若慧,楊資華,于人瑞, 楊靜江。Members are getting together, and saying happy to meet each other again and thank president’ arrangement for the tea party.會姐們十分肯定新任理事長的帶領,以及為本會發展將理監事會依任務分組等新作為。 左起:吳惠萍、周明儒、周繼儒、俞明鳳 、前排:陳淑珠理事長、張晉鑾 Members are with president Regina Chen, and saying that it is very good for the president to divide the council members into three sections—the international affairs, the activities and the membership development.理事長用聯誼餐會串起許久未謀面的會姐們,彼此在這新一年的開始相互祝福。 Members are with president Regina Chen, saying the party has getting them together and the chance to bless each other.本會最資深的會姐們期望未來在新理事長帶領下能有一番不同新氣象。 林淑恭、潘莉華、陳理事長,後排:陳碧娥、王貽芬。8. The senior members are with president Regina Chen, they expect that the new president will bring new things to PPSEAWA Taiwan.姊妹、好友因認同也在本會相聚了。左起: 陳若慧、楊珍妮、楊資華、孫宗宜 Sisters and good friends become the members of PPSEAWA Taiwan and recognize the vision and the mission.堪稱本會最資深會員組、一路走來支持本會始終如初。左起: 楊靜江 、林淑恭、 蹇婷婷、徐鳳鸞、 談鳳英 The six senior members who have joined PPSEAWA Taiwan for many years.
兩位前理事長王貽芬(左)、 楊萬運連袂出席,祝福各位會姐們新年平安順利。 The two former presidents.
新春聯誼餐會在歡樂聲中結束、姐妹們期待下次相聚。上圖餐後大合影。 All members who participating the party are taking photo together.