
PPSEAWA Taiwan於國際和平日前9月11日舉辦第17屆第5次理監事聯席會議,會中邀請到前中華民國大陸委員會(Mainland Affairs Council Republic of China(Taiwan))主委賴幸媛跟大家分享過去為了兩岸的和平、理性的往來所做的努力,雖然這過程充滿困難與挫折及彼此間的巨大分歧,但透過不斷的溝通、想方設法地尋求雙方都能接受的解方,進而達到共識。



The 5th Meeting of the 17th Directors and Supervisors & International Day of Peace Event

On September 11, prior to International Peace Day, PPSEAWA Taiwan held its 17th session, 5th Joint Board of Directors and Supervisors Meeting. At the meeting, former Legislator, Minister of the Mainland Affairs Council, and Representative of permanent mission of Taiwan to WTO,, Dr. Lai Shin-yuan, was invited to share her efforts in promoting peaceful and sensible cross-strait exchanges. Despite the challenges, setbacks, and vast differences between the two sides, continuous communication and the pursuit of mutually acceptable solutions eventually led to consensus.

Through this event, we are reminded that peace does not come by chance; it requires active effort and engagement to achieve a win-win peace scenario. It re-iterates PPSEAWA’s mission of strengthen the bonds of peace among Pacific peoples by promoting a better understanding and friendship among the women of all Pacific countries. PPSEAWA Taiwan will continue to actively engage in international cooperation and activities.

During the meeting, President Mandy Chen expressed special gratitude to the delegates who are attending PPSEAWA International Conference in New Zealand next month and especially to Executive Director Yu Hsiu-luan, recognizing her contributions. Known affectionately as “Sister Hsiu-luan” by all, she is always the first to volunteer for public welfare, contributing money, time, and effort without hesitation. On this occasion, she sponsored NT$50,000 to help our delegation participate in the international conference. This moment was a perfect opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to all!