
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NGOs) 2018 Spring Tea Party

地點Venue:外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

PPSEAWA台灣常務理事Mandy Chen (中)與外交部部長吳釗燮(右)合影 Mandy Chen, Executive Director of PPSEAWA Taiwan(middle) with Dr. Jaushieh Joseph Wu, Minister, Minister of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (right).
茶會由外交部部長主持,近200名長期參與國際事務的國內人士與會,各非政府組織代表們互相分享了他們在促進國際參與和交流方面的成就和經驗。 The tea party was presided over by the Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu. Nearly 200 domestic people who have long participated in international affairs attended the party. Representatives of NGOs shared their great achievements and experience in promoting international participation and exchanges.