
PPSEAWA Taiwan’s 15th first members’ general assembly, gathering and PPSEAWA Taiwan’s 15th first council meeting.


陳理事長致詞: 凌會長、各位貴賓、各位會員大家好。今天很榮幸請到外交部李部長蒞臨,非常感謝外交部的大力支持,感謝李部長寫的推薦函,因為李部長的協助讓我們順利在台灣舉辦2019年會。
Sisters of PPSEAWA Taiwan Good Morning! It is our great honor to invite Minister Lee and General-Director Chou to be our guests for the general assembly today! Many thanks for Minister Lee’s recommendation letter, which has helped us to obtain the right to host the 2019 PPSEAWA International Conference in Taipei. As established in 1928, PPSEAWA International has over eighty years of history, many thanks for the past presidents for their wonderful efforts to PPSEAWA Taiwan, a chartered member country. When I took over the president in 2013, I found out that PPSEAWA Taiwan can do a lot of works for our country especially in people-to-people diplomacy. As PPSEAWA International is a member of UN’s CoNGO, I have tried my best to let the world to know how PPSEAWA Taiwan’s efforts to empower women economically. Our hard works are recognized by Ms. Teresa A. Hintzke, Immediate past president of PSEAWA International and its council. I would like to take this opportunity to thank council members and sisters of PPSEAWA Taiwan for your dedicated contributions during the past three years. As Teresa mentioned at the 26th PPSEAWA International Conference 2016 in Malaysia, that it is her hope to have more and more young ladies to join PPSEAWA International.” She means we have to have younger-generation members to take over the elder ones’ tasks. I foresaw this few years ago, and had recommended our young member Ms. Polly Chang, over 40 years old, to be one of the vice president of PPSEAWA International Council. Today, I would like to thank our young members who have joined PPSEAWA Taiwan quite recently. They had studied and received their higher education in the United States, I believe that they could take over our jobs to help Taiwan to do people-to-people diplomacy. At last, I would like to extend my thanks to Minister Lee and Amb. Chou, our honorable guests and members of PPSEAWA Taiwan for your participation to encourage us to do more and more to empower women nationally and worldwide. Bless you to have a good health, all the best and all wishes come true. Thank you!

台灣商業聯合總會 張平沼理事長蒞臨,貴賓致詞。Mr. Chang Ping Chaw, president of Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, is as the honorable guest to delivery speech to members.

陳理事長與周麟大使(外交部NGO非政府組織國際事務會執行長)合影 Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan is with David Lee (left), Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) and Amb. Diego L. Chou, Director-General of the Department of NGO International Affairs of MOFA.

外交部長李大維致詞:陳理事長(淑珠女士)、各位女士、各位先生,大家早安,大家好! 今天很高興應邀參加「泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會」的第十五屆第一次會員大會暨會員聯誼餐會,首先我要恭喜大家在陳理事長的卓越領導下,本年在馬來西亞出席第26屆「泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會」(Pan-Pacific & South-East Asia Women’s Association, PPSEAWA)年會中,爭取到第27屆國際年會在2019年於台舉辦,此將使國人得以近距離觀察重要國際婦女組織的活動,更可將台灣在婦女與性別平等議題上努力的成果與國際友人分享,對全球婦女賦權議題作出更多貢獻。 貴會創立於1928年,是泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會(PPSEAWA)創始會員國之一。多年來積極與國際婦女團體互動,多次組團出席國際婦女理事會、亞太婦女協會等重要國際婦女會議,在國際社會上為台灣發聲,讓國際友人對台灣女性優異表現及我國政經社成就更進一步認識與瞭解,以國民外交的方式展現台灣的柔性國力。 多年來,我政府積極推動婦女賦權的工作,並獲得豐碩的成果,且已獲聯合國與國際社會的重視及肯定。根據聯合國2014年的「性別不平等指數」(Gender Inequality Index, GII),我國排名世界第五,並在亞洲國家中名列第一。 蔡總統日前出席在台北舉辦的「2016年國際婦女理事會執行委員會議」時曾表示,政府將配合聯合國17項永續發展目標(SDGs)的第五項,實現性別平等之目標,積極落實法規與透過「托育、長照、婦女就業」的三合一政策,提供婦女就業及職場安全的保障,使她們擁有更平等參與社會、經濟與政治發展的機會,以利為建立更正義及更永續發展的全球社會奉獻力量。 最後,敬祝大會圓滿成功,各位嘉賓身體健康,萬事如意。謝謝大家。 Good Morning! president Regina Chen, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great honor to be invited to attend PPSEAWA Taiwan’s 15th first members’ general assembly and gathering. Firstly, I would like to congratulate president Chen, and under her leadership, PPSEAWA Taiwan has obtained the right to host the 2019 26th PPSEAWA International Conference. This conference will let the people around Taiwan could observe the importance activities of international women’s organization. In addition, Taiwan could share its efforts on gender equality with international friends and to its contribution on the issues of global women’s empowerment. PPSEAWA International was established in 1928, and Taiwan is among one of the chartered countries. During the past years, PPSEAWA Taiwan has been actively in interacting with foreign women organizations including participating the PPSEAWA International’s triennial conferences and mid-term council meetings, annual UN CSW meetings in New York. Their voices from Taiwan have been heard by International friends around the world and people is getting to know more about Taiwan’s social and economic status. This is the power of people-to-people diplomacy. During the past years, Taiwan government has been giving impetus to empowering women. The fruitful results were recognized by United Nations and International community. According to Gender Inequality Index, GII in 2014, Taiwan was ranked as the fifth around the world; and was ranked number one among countries in Asia. Quite recently, President Tsai Ing-wen participated the ICW-CIF Executive Committee Meeting. She said Taiwan government will achieve the goal of gender equality in line with the fifth item of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), actively implement the three-in-one policy of “Child Care, Long-term Care, Women’s Employment”. This will provide women with security in employment and workplace safety, and will provide them with equal opportunities to participate in social, economic and political development in order to contribute to a more just and more sustainable global society. At last, I wish you every success in the conference and all the guests are in good health and good luck. Thank you all.

陳理事長送外交部長離席 Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan, sends away of Minister David Lee.
第十五屆第一次理監事會議,選出常務理監事及理事長。The 15th PPSEAWA Taiwan’s council has elected five executive councilors and the president.
特聘楊萬運為榮譽理事長。Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan, has assigned Ms. Wan-Lun Yang as one of the honorable presidents of PPSEAWA Taiwan.
特聘凌渝英為榮譽理事長。Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA, has assigned Ms. Sophia Ling as one of the honorable presidents of PPSEAWA Taiwan.
新任理監事合影。New council members of the 15th PPSEAWA Taiwan’s council.