Women empowerment in the digital age: best practices for using innovation and technology for gender equality

#NGO CSW67 Forum
Digitalization and technology can offer amazing opportunities for gender equality and women empowerment. However, at the same time, ensuring equitable participation has many challenges, especially for women and girls in vulnerable and underserved communities. This panel will discuss how to bridge the difference in the gender gap in digital access and skills from education and policy reforms. We will also share how innovation and social entrepreneurship can advance gender equality. More specifically, we will present our experiences with Gender Impact Accelerator (GIA), a gender lens social enterprise accelerator, to support young social innovators and collect practical projects for gender equality.
我們還將分享如何透過創新和社會創業來促進性別平等:性別影響力加速器 Gender Impact Accelerator (GIA)的具體案例,藉此支持年輕人的社會創新力量實踐性別平等的目標。
Date日期 | 2022.03.08 09:00 AM – 11:00 AM