王雅玢 Ya-Fen WANG

Director of Sustainable Environmental Education Center of Chung Yuan Christian University

王雅玢教授目前是中原大學環境工程學系教授,永續環境研究與教育中心主任,台灣氣膠研究學會理事長,及全球環境教育夥伴亞太中心顧問。王老師長期推動國際交流與科普教育,曾榮獲行政院環保署「女性環保楷模」表揚。Prof. Ya-Fen Wang is a professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering at Chung Yuan University, director of the Sustainable Environmental Education Center, president of the Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research, and consultant to the Asia-Pacific Regional Center for GEEP (Global Environmental Education Partnership). Prof. Wang has been promoting international exchanges and popular science education for a long time, and she got the award of the female environmental role model of Taiwan EPA at 2020.