Co-organizer | 2021 the Ten Outstanding Young Women Awards Ceremony
時間Date:2021.04.24 地點Venue:中華民國婦女聯合會八樓美齡廳National Women’s League, Republic of China, Meiling Hall, 8th Floor
十大傑出女青年選拔一向受到社會的重視與好評,藉由選拔優秀女青年來培養婦女菁英,鼓勵女性發揮所長,為社會提供更大的服務。 The Ten Outstanding Young Women Awards has always been valued and praised by society. By selecting outstanding young women to cultivate female elites, women are encouraged to give full play to their strengths and provide greater services to society.
女性是社會及家庭安定的力量,十大傑出女青年獲獎者都是在各行各業中表現出色的女性,證明女性不但可以扛起家庭重責,在專業領域上,同樣能夠有優異卓越的表現。 Women are the power of social and family stability. The winners are women who have performed well in different fields. They prove that women can not only carry the responsibility of the family but also have outstanding performance in the professional field.
陳淑珠名譽理事長多年來擔任中華民國歷屆十大傑出女青年協會顧問,積極參與並協助推動會務發展,致力於發掘更多優秀的傑出女青年,期許未來女性朋友能夠為國家作出更多貢獻。 Regina Chen, Honorary President of PPSEAWA Taiwan has served as a consultant for the ten outstanding young women associations of the Republic of China for many years, actively participating in and assisting in promoting the development of conference affairs. She is committed to discovering more outstanding young women, and hopes that women can make more contributions to the country in the future.