PPSEAWA Taiwan “Peace Day” Declaration 2020
每年的9月21日是聯合國「國際和平日」(又稱「和平日」)。全世界各地都極為關注這個重要的日子,各國政府及人民紛紛舉辦各項活動以茲慶祝。和平也是PPSEAWA長期以來極為關心的議題,正如我們的宗旨中所述:透過增進太平洋和東南亞地區所有婦女之間的相互瞭解與友誼增進,來加强全球和平的紐帶。對於許多國家而言,2020是充滿挑戰的一年,尤其是在新冠病毒疫情嚴峻的情況下。聯合國秘書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)指出:「此時此刻,我們要以極為嚴肅的態度來面對此次疫情。這不僅僅是個健康的問題,它對人類社會的發展、和平與安全,具有直接和嚴重的影響與衝擊。所有國家和人民應該與聯合國站在一起,反對利用病毒,散播歧視與仇恨。」
The United Nation International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world annually on September 21th. “Peace Day” provides a globally shared date for all nations and people to commemorate and strengthen the ideas of peace. Peace has long been one of the standing focuses of PPSEAWA, as in our Mission Statement: To strengthen the bonds of peace by promoting better understanding and fostering friendship among all women of the Pacific and Southeast Asia. 2020 has been a challenging year for many nations, especially with the COVID19 pandemic. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “These are not normal times, and our responses cannot be routine. The pandemic is not just a health issue. It is having direct and troubling effects on development, peace, and security.” All nations and people are encouraged to stand together with the UN against attempts to use the virus to promote discrimination or hatred.
Peace Day Theme this year is “Shaping Peace Together”. To celebrate the day, the world is invited to: spread compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the COVID19 pandemic. “Let us use these dialogues, as well as the International Day of Peace, to exchange ideas on how to achieve a global cease fire, heal our planet and turn the Covid-19 crisis into an opportunity for peace. Let us build back better for more inclusive and peaceful societies.” as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated. To commemorate the UN 75th Anniversary and the International Day of Peace, PPSEAWA Taiwan initiated two events accordingly.
PPSEAWA Taiwan co-hosted a Youth Seminar with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on “Caring for the World through SDGs” in August. Students from various universities in Taiwan participated and discussed urgent issues of climate changes, renewable energy, food and water security, resilient and sustainable cities, eradiation of poverty, gender equality, and etc. There was a total of 10 speakers and more than 90 students attending the event. We hope that by introducing youth to these issues and SDGs, we can inspire them to work towards a more sustainable and peaceful society.
另外,於2020年9月21日和平日這一天, PPSEAWA台灣的會員們參觀了「2019年國際年會」和平活動中,在台北市青年公園種植的八棵代表和平永續精神的紅楠樹。這些樹在PPSEAWA台灣的悉心照顧下,已經亭亭玉立、綠葉繁盛了。會員們用七彩花朵排出了和平標誌,每朵花都象徵著我們對和平的承諾與期盼。活動中會員們相互交流如何建立一個更具包容性和平社會的看法。最後姊妹們以靜默一分鐘,來祈禱全球和平的早日到來。
On Peace Day, 9/21/2020, PPSEAWA Taiwan members and executives visited the eight red Nanmu trees, that were planted during the 2019 International Conference peace activity at the Taipei Youth Park. Our Peace trees have grown up well, some reaching two meters in height. A flower dedication ceremony was also held. Members used colorful flowers to make a Peace sign. Each flower symbolized our hope and commitments to peace. Ideas of how to make a more inclusive and peaceful societies were exchanged and minute of silence was observed for peacebuilding.
PPSEAWA台灣致力支持聯合國及PPSEAWA總會的建立和平目標。透過與政府、非政府組織及私人企業間的相互合作, 協力建立夥伴關係,推廣及落實永續發展目標,將永續目標深根於我們的日常生活中。為了達成此一目標,PPSEAWA台灣將持續舉辦一系列活動,包括青年培力教育、增進婦女權能和兒童福利、兩性平等和健康社會等座談與活動,期能將永續目標融入我們每個人的生活態度中。PPSEAWA台灣將會繼續秉持傳統,與PPSEAWA各會員國的姊妹們一同支持和平的理念,希冀對世界和平有所貢獻。
PPSEAWA Taiwan is committed to supporting the peacebuilding work of the United Nations and PPSEAWA International. PPSEAWA Taiwan fully endorses the effort to achieve the SDGs by intergenerational and intersectional cooperation/partnership among governments, NGOs, private sectors businesses, and citizens. PPSEAWA Taiwan has carried out a wide range of programs aimed at promoting education for youth, empowerment for women and children, gender equality, and healthy society. PPSEAWA Taiwan’s peace building initiatives focus on promoting international understanding and cooperation to contribute to a more inclusive and peaceful society. PPSEAWA Taiwan will continue its tradition of supporting and celebrating the International Day of Peace, with PPSEAWA International and sister NMOs, and contributing to a peaceful world.