友會活動 | 中華民國婦女協會音樂晚宴

The Lady’s Night held by NCW Taiwan

地點Venue:君品酒店Palais de Chine Hotel

PPSEAWA理監事受邀參加中華民國婦女會音樂晚宴,晚宴於10月24日晚假君品酒店盛大舉行,當日特別邀請到Charlotte de Rothschildh英國女高音於晚宴中表演。
The directors and supervisors of PPSEAWA Taiwan were invited to the Ladies’ Night which was held on October 24 at Palais de Chine Hotel by National Council of Women of Taiwan, R.O.C.(NCW Taiwan). NCW Taiwan specially invited Charlotte de Rothschild who is a British soprano specializing in the recital and oratorio repertoire to attend the dinner.

晚宴高朋滿座,當天所有人都非常盡興。 It was with a great gathering of distinguished guests. Everyone had much enjoyment that night.
Charlotte de Rothschildh表演多首經典歌曲,她精彩的表演獲得全場掌聲。 Charlotte de Rothschildh performed many classic songs. Her splendid performance brought round after round of applause.