友會活動 | 恭喜急難救助協會成立大會圓滿閉幕

The Founding Conference of the Greater Chicago Taiwanese Emergency Assistance Association(GCTEAA) has come to an end successfully.

Bonnie Chin, who is our sister from PPSEAWA Chicago, is the President of GCTEAA. The Founding Conference of GCTEAA was hold in Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago on March 31, 2018. The GCTEAA providing care and assistance to Taiwanese. We feel so proud and honored.

大芝加哥僑界急難救助協會全體理事合影 Members of board of directors posed for photographs
經文處芝加哥華僑文教服務中心主任王偉讚頒發感謝狀給大芝加哥僑界急難救助協會會長項邦珍。Bonnie Chin received certificate of appreciation from director of Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago.