PPSEAWA Taiwan Youth Volunteer Training Workshop “Changing the World from Young Generation (II):A new international vision”
時間Date:2018-08-23~24 地點Venue:外交部外交及國際事務學院 Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
大合照。Group photo.
始業式,PPSEAWA中華民國分會陳淑珠理事長致詞。 Opening Remarks by President Regina Chen.
邀請觀光局國際組曹逸書科長介紹臺灣之美, 推動國際行銷力量。
台灣商業聯合總會張平沼理事長以把握人生、創造高峰為主題進行座談。Pen-Tsao Chang, President of Taiwan Federation of Commerce giving lecture on “Seize every moment of life, create peaks in your life”.台灣商業聯合總會張平沼理事長(圖左)與PPSEAWA中華民國分會青年代表簡儀(圖右)合影。Pen-Tsao Chang(left), President of Taiwan Federation of Commerce and Connie Chien(right), Youth Representative of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C.
台灣商業聯合總會張平沼理事長(圖右)與陳立剛副教授(圖左)合影。Pen-Tsao Chang (right), President of Taiwan Federation of Commerce and Li-Khan Chen(left), Associate Professor of Department of Political Science, Soochow University.張平沼理事長演講結束後為青年志工簽書。Young volunteers receive presents from Pen-Tsao Chang(left), President of Taiwan Federation of Commerce.
東吳大學政治系陳立剛副教授主講培養學生國際參與公共事務,建構青年國際化跨域共創能力。Keynote speaker: Li-Khan Chen, Associate Professor of Department of Political Science, Soochow University. He gives lecture on “Youth Participation in International Affair”.
青年志工與高安副院長交流。After the lecture, the volunteer made a face to face communication with President Anna Kao.
所有參加學員專心聆聽簡報。All participants listen attentively to the presentation.
貴賓合影,圖左至右分別為:PPSEAWA中華民國分會陳淑珠理事長、外交及國際事務學院高安副院長、NGO國際事務會賴銘琪執行長。From left to right: Regina Chen, President of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C; Anna Kao, President of Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Scott Lai, Department of NGO International Affairs Director-General.PPSEAWA中華民國分會陳淑珠理事長與外交及國際事務學院高安副院長會面。Regina Chen, President of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C communicates with Anna Kao, President of Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
外交及國際事務學院高安副院長介紹我國外交工作。Lecture by Anna Kao, President, Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.貴賓合影,圖左至右分別為:PPSEAWA中華民國分會青年代表簡儀、PPSEAWA中華民國分會常務理事Mandy Chen、PPSEAWA中華民國分會陳淑珠理事長、NGO國際事務會賴銘琪執行長。From left to right: Connie Chien, Youth Representative of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C; Mandy Chen, Executive Director of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C; Regina Chen, President of PPSEAWA Taiwan R.O.C; Scott Lai, Department of NGO International Affairs Director-General.
始業式,NGO國際事務會賴銘琪執行長致詞。Opening Remarks by Department of NGO International Affairs Director-General Scott Lai.青年志工提問。The young volunteer all questioned actively.
NGO國際事務會賴銘琪執行長介紹台灣NGO及國際參與。Lecture by Department of NGO International Affairs Director-General Scott Lai introduce NGO in Taiwan and their International participation.