The 2nd Session of the 15th General Assembly & Gathering
時間Date:2017.12.19 地點Venue:錦華樓
陳淑珠理事長致詞 President Regina Chen deliveries her speech.吳惠萍財務長財務報告 Treasurer Wu Hung-ping reports PPSEAWA Taiwan’s 2016 financial statements.
PPSEAWA的理監事們 PPSEAWA Taiwan’s council members.勵馨基金會國際事務組組長Anthony致送陳理事長精致小禮品。 Mr. Anthony Carlisel, International Affairs Supervisor of the Garden of Hope Foundation presents memory gift to President Regina.
外交部禮賓處洪正彬副參事專題演講 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Department of Protocol Deputy Counselor Hung, Cheng-Pin giving lecture on International Protocol and Etiquette.洪副參事運用小遊戲帶領大家快速學習。 Protocol Deputy Counselor Hung uses games to lead members to learn the International Protocol and Etiquette.
林淑娟監事擔任小老師協助洪副參事講說國際禮儀。 Council member Lin Shu-Juan is the assistant to Protocol Deputy Counselor Hung.洪副參事幽默風趣的解說,理監事們都專心聆聽。 Hung’s humorous commentary has attracted council members’ attention.
陳淑珠理事長與施蔡國瑛理事合影 President Regina Chen is with the council member Shi Tsai Kao Ing.
陳淑珠理事長與陳碧娥常務理事及邱秀娥監事合影 President Regina (middle) is with the executive council member Barbara Chen (right) and council member Qui Xiu e.