The 61st session of the Commission on the Status of Women
UN CSW61 & NGO CSW Forum 時間Date | 2017.03.13-24 地點Venue | 紐約聯合國總部United Nations Headquarters in New York 主題Theme | 職場變遷下的女性經濟賦權Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work
聯合國婦女地位委員會(Commission on the Status of Women,簡稱 CSW)隸屬於經濟暨社會理事會(Economic and Social Council,簡稱 ECOSOC),為聯合國推動婦女議題的專責機構,是目前聯合國中層級最高的婦女人權委員會。CSW的主要任務在於「提升婦女在政治、經濟、公民、社會與教育等方面的權利,向經濟暨社會理事會提交報告和建議」,針對「需要立即關注的緊急婦女權益問題」 提出建言,並從 1987 年起每年三月間於紐約召開大會。今(2017)年為 CSW 第 61 屆 會議,大會優先主題定為「職場變遷下的女性經濟賦權」。今年參加 CSW 的國家數目及人數有多項打破往年紀錄: 今年參與 CSW 的聯合國會員國有 162 國(其中有 89 位部長親自出席),以及超過 3900個來自 138 國、580 個組織的公民社會參與者。最重要的,NGOs 提出了 131 個建言給婦女地位委員會(CSW) 。
The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), a functional commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), is a global policy-making body dedicated exclusively to promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women. Every year, representatives of Member States, United Nations entities and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with ECOSOC gather at United Nations Headquarters in New York for the Commission’s annual session. The sixty-first session of the Commission took place from 13 to 24 March 2017, with its priority theme ‘Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work’. This year’s Commission saw the attendance of 162 Member States, including 89 representatives at the Ministerial level. Over 3,900 representatives from 580 civil society organizations came to New York from 138 countries, attesting to the growing strength and unity of women’s voices around the world.
CSW會前諮詢會開幕式,聯合國合唱團表演。 Consultation Day Opening Ceremony with Performance from UN Singers.非政府組織委員會(NGO CSW)主席 Susan O’Malley 開幕歡迎致辭暨研討會。 Welcome Messages and Conversation by Susan O’Malley, Chair, NGO Committee on the Status of Women/NY. International Federation of Business and Professional Women.聯合國婦女地位委員會主席 Antonio de Aguiar Patriota與聯合國婦女署執行長 Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka座談會 。 Panel discussion with Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Executive Director and H.E. Mr. Antonio De Aguiar Patriota, Chair of CSW61.CSW61 年度最佳優秀女性獎得主為來自阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的Mabel Bianco博士, Mabel Bianco博士是拉美和世界婦女權利的十字軍。 Keynote Address by Dr. Mabel Bianco, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, the 2017 Woman of Distinction Awardee. Dr. Mabel Bianco is a crusader for women’s rights in Latin America and the world.詩人Rupi Kaur表演 。 Poetry Performance by Poet Rupi Kaur.CSW會前諮詢會閉幕式,著名歌手LeeOliver Tucker, Harlem Diva表演。 Consultation Day Closing Ceremony with Performance from Harlem Diva LeeOlive Tucker.CSW大會開幕式會議在聯合國總部內的大會堂舉行,大會堂是聯合國裡唯一掛有聯合國徽章的會議室。聯合國秘書長 António Guterres在開幕式大聲疾呼,全球需要更多女性領袖,也需要更多男性力挺兩性平權、追求薪資平等。 2017 CSW61 Official Opening of Session, with opening remarks from UN Secretary-General H.E. Mr. António Guterres; H.E. Mr. Antonio De Aguiar Patriota, Chair of CSW61; and Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Executive Director.聯合國婦女署執行長 Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka在開幕式報告兩性平等進展緩慢嚴重性。 Opening remark by Ms. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Executive Director.CSW週邊會議 “Global Award for Women” 在聯合國總部內,經濟及社會理事會會議廳舉行 。 CSW Side Event “Global Award for Women” held at ECOSOC Chamber.每日朝會簡報於聯合國總部內第四會議室舉行。 Daily Morning Briefing of the NGO CSW61 Forum at UN Conference Room 4.參與平行會議 “女性經濟賦權”“女孩的教育是最好的投資”。 Attended 2017 Women’s Empowerment Principles Forum. Panel discussion “Girls’ Education: The Best Return on Investment”.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會參與聯合國第61屆婦女地位委員會會議代表與駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處徐大使合影。 CSW 61 delegates from PPSEAWA Taiwan are taking photo with Ambassador Lily L.W. Hsu (second from the right), director-general of Taipei Economic and Culture Office (TECO) in New York.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會聯合國第61屆婦女地位委員會會議代表參加 “人口販運”周邊會議。 CSW 61 delegates from PPSEAWA Taiwan are pareticipating parallel event on “Stop Trafficking”.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會秘書長在聯合國第61屆婦女地位委員會會議發表簡報。 Secretary-General from PPSEAWA Taiwan is doing PowerPoint presentatoin at CSW 61 parallel event.聆聽泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會聯合國第61屆婦女地位委員會會議簡報的聽眾。 Audience are listening to the PowerPoint presentation from PPSEAWA Taiwan.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會國際總會長Dato Rahmah與會員們在簡報後留影。 Dato Rahmah, president of PPSEAWA International (second from the left of the first row), and sisters from PPSEAWA and Soroptimst are taking photo together at Taiwan’s presentation.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會監事也是加拿大分會理事長(站立者)擔任CSW61週邊會議的主持人。 Jenny Yang (standing) from PPSEAWA Taiwan’s council and also present of PPSEAWA Canada,is the moderator of the parallel event.世界心理衛生聯盟駐聯合國首席代表(站立者) 主持週邊會議。 Ms. Nancy E. Wallace(standing), UN main representative of World Federation for Mental Health, is the chair of “Balancing Work and Caregiving Roles” parallel event.聆聽泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會中華民國分會聯合國第61屆婦女地位委員會會議簡報的聽眾。 Audience are listening to the PowerPoint presentation from PPSEAWA Taiwan.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會姐妹們齊聚一堂。 Sisters of PPSEAWA International are getting together.國際總會姊妹們與駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處徐大使合影。 Sisters are taking photo with Ambassador Lily L.W. Hsu (middle), director-general of Taipei Economic and Culture Office in New York.外賓與台灣CSW61代表合影。 Foreign friend is with CSW61 Taiwan delegates.秘書長參加國際蘭馨交流協會CSW61接待宴會。 Secretary general is participating in Soroptimist International’s CSW61 reception, and taking photo with Ms. RoseMary Reid (first from left), president of Sorptimist International of the Americas.王麗容教授主講於駐紐約經濟文化辦事處舉辦的兩性平等及婦權研討會Professor Lih-Rong Wang speaks at Seminar on “Women’s Economic Empowerment in a Changing World of Work” at Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in New York (TECO-NY)泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會芝加哥分會僑務委員項邦珍女士,主講人王麗容教授,與 Zonta 國際理事長Sonja Hönig Schough合影。 PPSEAWA Chicago Chapter member Ms. Bonnie Chin attended Seminar held at TECO-NY, with speakers Professor Lin-Rong Wong and Zonta International President Sonja Hönig Schough.聯合國會旗在聯合國廣場飄揚 United Nation flag flying at UN headquarters.在聯合國廣場500英尺長的通道兩旁,迎風飄颺着192面聯合國成員國的旗幟,地上還堆積著前一日下的大雪。 Flags of 192 member countries flying at UN headquarters. Piles of snow from Blizzard Stella can be seen on the ground.