時間Date: 2016.08.22-08.30 地點Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 主題Theme: Respect the Environment for a Sustainable and Peaceful Future
團體大合照。 Group Photo.
左起為PPSEAWA台灣代表團之林淑恭與王貽芬,其與中華民國國旗合影留念。National flag of Taiwan, R.O.C. (middle). From left are Kony Lin and Evenly Yifen Wang, members of delegation from PPSEAWA Taiwan會議現場。Conference venue.準備大會開幕儀式。 Setting up the official opening of the conference.
PPSEAWA總會會長Teresa致詞。 Mdm Teresa Hintzke, PPSEAWA International president, is delivering speech.合唱泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會會歌。 Below: Choir PPSEAWA International Song by Ruth Education Centre.團員與總會青年代表合影。中:台灣青年代表王苑兒,左:日本青年代表,右:泰國青年代表。Youth Representatives from Japan, Taiwan and Thailand.
從左到右是會員國來自韓國、紐西蘭、台灣中華民國、泰國、及美國的首席代表。 Below: From left to right are head of delegates from Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan R.O.C., Thailand and USA.
第一排從左到右是會員國來自韓國、紐西蘭、台灣中華民國、泰國、美國及印尼的首席代表。 The first row from left to right are head of delegates from Korea, New Zealand, Taiwan R.O.C., Thailand, USA and Indonesia.
理事會成員合照。 Council members are getting together for a photo.大會開幕日會員國合照。前排中間為馬來西亞皇室成員霹靂州蘇丹王 Head of delegation of the member countries at the Official Opening of the 2016 PPSEAWA International Conference (second row). DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan is in the middle of the first row.
日本及斐濟的展覽攤位。Country Exhibition Booths from Japan and Fiji.
印尼代表參觀展覽攤位由本會學生會員苑兒接待。 Indonesia delegate is visiting PPSEAWA Taiwan’s exhibition booth.
馬來西亞皇室成員霹靂州蘇丹王參觀台灣展覽攤位。 DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan is accompanying by Mdm Teresa Hintzke, PPSEAWA International president to visit Taiwan Exhibition Booth.
韓國國家報告。 Country Report from Korea.台灣代表張珮鑾進行環保議題報告。 Polly Chang from Taiwan is giving the report on Promoting Regional and International Cooperation and Understanding for the Sustainable and Peaceful Environment.
中場休息茶敘。 Tea Reception.加拿大會長楊珍妮進行國家報告。 Below: Country Report from Canada president Ms. Jenny Yang.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協中華民國分會秘書長進行專案發展委員會主席報告。 Below: Helen Yang, secretary general of PPSEAWA Taiwan is giving PDC report.本會陳淑珠理事長以短片向大會致歉無法親自出席大會。Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan, R.O.C., apologies that she can’t participate the conference in person, and using video instead.
文化之夜舞蹈表演。 Below: Dancing at the Costume Presentation.夏威夷代表團在文化之夜表演合唱。 Delegates from Hawaii are singing at the Costume Presentation.日本表團在文化之夜表演合唱。 Below: Delegates from Japan are singing at the Costume Presentation.
夏威夷代表團在文化之夜表演合唱。 Delegates from Hawaii are singing at the Costume Presentation.印尼代表團在文化之夜表演舞蹈。 Delegates from Indonesia are dancing at the Costume Presentation.韓國服裝驚豔全場。 Delegate from Korea is showing her country’s dress.
本會文化之夜公主舞蹈表演獲得第一名殊榮。 PPSEAWA Taiwan is obtaining the first prize at the Costume Presentation—Legendary Princess.
台灣接下主辦2019國際年會棒子。 Taiwan will host the 2019 International Conference.台灣代表自馬來西亞會長Rahmah接下2019大會主辦權重責大任。Taiwan delegate is receiving the flag from Malaysia’s president Rahmah and will host the 2019 International Conference.
理事會成員及會員國理事長合影。 Council members and national member presidents are taking photo together.部份理事會成員合影。 Council members are taking photo.