The 60th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
UN CSW60 & NGO CSW Forum 時間Date | 2016.03.14-24 地點Venue | 紐約聯合國總部United Nations Headquarters in New York 主題Theme | 婦女賦權及其與永續發展的關係Women’s empowerment and its link to sustainable development
本會秘書長楊資華參加2016聯合國婦女地位委員會第六十週年年會,每日朝會簡報於聯合國內第一會議室舉行。 Helen Yang, secretaty general of PPSEAWA Taiwan, is participating “Daily Morning Briefings” of the 2016 NGO CSW Forum at UN Conference Room 1.
泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會台灣分會秘書長(右)與日本分會代表參與聯合國論壇。 Delegates from PPSEAWA Taiwan and PPSEAWA Japan are participating forum in the UN.
PPSEAWA台灣因長期關注婦女與女童販運問題。特別於CSW60與總會共同籌組平行論壇-「針對婦女及女童的網路犯罪:科技跟騷、網路性侵害、親密關係暴力及人口販運」。本會秘書長於論壇中簡報台灣如何倡議打擊人口販運,及政府、民間如何配搭宣導終止人口販運。此外。本論台也邀請PPSEAWA總會、PPSEAWA加拿大分會、佩斯大學教授、肯塔基大學教授、現代婦女基金會共襄盛舉。 PPSEAWA Taiwan has continuously raised attention on the issue of “Human Trafficking of Women and Girls”. We, with PPSEAW AInternational, hosted a CSW 60 Parallel Event entitled “Cybercrime Against Women and girls on Stalking, Sexual Assault, Initmate Partner Viloence and Human Trafficking”. PPSEAWA Taiwan give a presentation on Taiwan’s efforts to stop human trafficking, as well as the collaboration between people and government. In addition, we invited PPSEAWA International, PPSEAWA Canada, professors from Pace University and University of Kentucky, and the Modern Women’s Foundation to participate.
本會並邀請佩斯大學教授Yvonne Rafferty博士及肯塔基大學行為科學系、毒品與酒精研究中心教授T.K. Logan擔任論壇主講人,前者主講美國女性和女孩的網路犯罪與安全計畫,後者則主講網路世界中的跟蹤何騷擾。PPSEAWA Taiwan invites Dr. Yvonne Rafferty, Professor of Psychology at Pace University, and T.K. Logan, Professor, University of Kentucky, Department of Behavioral Science , Center on Drug and Alcohol Research, as the speaker. The former shared “Cyber-crime against Women and girls and safety program in U.S.A.” : The latter discussed about the “Stalking and harassment in cyber world”.
泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會台灣分會監事楊珍妮廣發論壇宣傳單邀請參加台灣舉辦之論壇。 Jenny Yang from PPSEAWA Taiwan is distributing flyers to invite people to participate PPSEAWA Taiwan’s CSW 60 Parallel Event.
美國佩斯大學瑞佛蒂教授是論壇主講者之一。 Professor Yvonne Rafferty from Pace University is one of the keynote speakers.現代婦女基金會於論壇簡報。 Powerpoint presentation from Modern Women’s Foundation.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會台灣分會秘書長及現代婦女基金會副執行長亦為論壇主要講者。 Secretary general from PPSEAWA Taiwan and Deputy CEO from Modern Women’s Foundation are also the speakers of the CSW 60 Parallel Event論壇工作人員合影留念。 Speakers, moderator and forum workers are getting together for a photo.
美國肯塔基大學羅根教授為論壇主要講者。Professor TK Logan is one of the keynot speakers.參與論壇的會眾多數為外籍年輕人仕。 Many young ladies participated PPSEAWA Taiwan’s Parallel Event in CSW60.博士候選人凱蒂是論壇主講人之一。 Ms. Katie Leinung is one among the speakers in PPSEAWA Taiwan’s Parallel Event.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會台灣分會理事長陳淑珠致贈禮物與參與論壇的美國教授、論壇主持人及其他主講人。 Ms. Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan is presenting gifts to US Professors, panel speakers and moderator.
泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會參與聯合國婦女地位委員會年會,來自芝加哥、台灣、加拿大、日本、泰國、馬來西亞的代表們,與駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處俆儷文大使合影。 PPSEAWA International delegates from chicago,Taiwan, Canada, Japan, Thailand, New York and Malaysia are participating TECO’s reception CSW60. Ambassador Lily Hsu (middle with white jacket) is with Mrs. Mondhiya Bhangsbha(left with grey jacket), secretary general of PPSEAWA International.
國際蘭馨交流協會國際總會參與聯合國婦女地位委員會年會代表參加駐紐約經濟文化辦事處歡迎酒會與徐儷文大使(中)合影。 PPSEAWA Taiwan invites Soroptimist International’s CSW delegates to the welcome reception hosted by TECO (Taipei Economic & Culture Officein New York). Ambassador Lily Hsu (middle with white jacket) is with the delegates.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會台灣分會理事長陳淑珠致贈禮物與芝加哥僑務委員項邦珍女士。 Ms Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan are presenting gifts to Ms. Bonny Chen from Chicago.
國際蘭馨交流協會國際總會參與聯合國婦女地位委員會年會代表參加駐紐約經濟文化辦事處歡迎酒會。Soroptimist International’s CSW delegates are participating TECO’s Welcome Reception in New York.泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會台灣分會理事長陳淑珠致贈禮物與國際總會理事長泰瑞莎。 Ms. Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan is presenting gifts to Ms. Teresa A. Hintzke,president of PPSEAWA International.