The 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women
UN CSW59 & NGO CSW Forum 時間Date | 2015.03.09-20 地點Venue | 紐約聯合國總部United Nations Headquarters in New York 主題Theme | 北京宣言暨行動綱領20周年落實情形檢視 Implementing the Beijing Platform for Action
台灣 美國 日本 馬來西亞 泰國代表於歡迎晚宴合影。 Delegates and council members from Taiwan, USA , Japan, Malaysia and Thailand at the welcome reception hosted by PPSEAWA International at 3 West Club in New York.
PPSEAWA International協辦國會女性周邊研討會 From left to right are Sumiko Fukushima (Japan) Polly Chang (Taiwan) and senior members of New York Chapter during the workshop of Women in Parliament at Armenian Conference Center at UN.國際理事會理事(由左至右)張珮鑾青年代表, 馬來西亞, 美國代表, 總會秘書長, 駐紐約聯合國兒童基金會代表, 美國總會會長及秘書蔣美娟出席駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處接待晚會。 (From left to right) Polly Chang from Taiwan, Norohaniza Noor from Malaysia, Mondhiya Bhangsbha from Thailand, Eleanor Schlesinger, president Teresa Hintzke and Secretary Meichuan Chao from Chicago Chapter at the welcome reception at Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York (TECO-New York)資深美國及夏威夷理事出席駐紐約經文處接待晚會 UN representative Eleanor Schlesinger (left), president Teresa Hintzke 、Florence Kelley (second from left) and Polly Chang are attending the welcoming reception at TECO-New York.由PPSEAWA International和非政府組織合辦之CSW59會議於聯合國總部召開 PPSEAWA co-chaired Women in Parliament at UN conference building.凌渝英理事(左一) 國際理事會代表張珮鑾, 王貽芬理事參加改變婦女政經地位會議與美國及馬來西亞代表(右一)合影於聯合國總部會議廳。(From left to right) International council VP Sophia Ling, Polly Chang, Evelyn Wang, Patsy Chen (second from right) and Norohaniza Noor from Malaysia participated the conference at Dag Hammerskjold Auditorium in UN headquarters..WGG二十周年慶祝晚會邀請諾貝爾和平獎得主Leymah Gbowee 擔任主講人。 The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Ms. Leymah Gbowee is the keynote speaker for “Celebrate 20 years of Girls Right with the Working Group on Girls (WGG)” at the Cornell Club.
台灣與會代表與美國紐約分會會員於歡迎晚宴合影。 Delegates from Taiwan and USA Chapter at the welcome reception (from left to right are Richard Lin, Vera Olichney, Polly Chang, Evelyn Wang, Meichuan Chao, Sophia Ling, Ariel, Tzu-ying Wu and professor Jessie Chen).台灣代表參加駐紐約經濟文化辦事處舉辦的兩性平等及婦權研討會與主講人行政院性別平等會林春鳳委員(右一)合影。Delegates from Taiwan attended the seminar on “Review of the Implementation of BPFA and the Outcomes of the 23rd Special Session of the UN General Assembly”-Challenges for the Achievements of Gender Equality & Women Empowerment” at TECO-New York國際理事會青年代表張珮鑾參加WGG二十周年慶祝晚會與總會會長及駐聯合國兒童基金會代表合影。 International council member Polly Chang with Ms. Teresa Hintzke (the middle) president of PPSEAWA International and UN representative Eleanor Schlesinger are joinring the “Celebrate 20 years of Girls Right with the Working Group on Girls (WGG)” at the Cornell Club.僑務促進委員張珮鑾(左三)與大紐約地區僑領(由左至右)費城協勝公會盧統一主席, 黃氏宗親會黃耀祥主席, 駐紐約經文處僑務周進忠組長, 大專校聯會王金智董事長, 伍亮文主席及全美台灣同鄉聯誼會Boston分會林展輝會長出席歡迎晚會。Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) coordinator Polly Chang with chairman Tung-Sac Lo (left), chairman of the Wong Family Benevolent Association Mr. Xiang Wong (second from the left), TECO-NY director Jing-Jong Chou(middle), UTUCAA president Gene Wang, chairman Steve Wu (second from the right) and TBAA president James Lin are attending the welcoming reception at TECO-New York.國際理事會中華民國代表張珮鑾(左一), 美國總會會長, 本會駐聯合國紐約代表及副會長凌渝英合影於聯合國總部。(From left to right) PPSEAWA International youth representative Polly Chang, president Teresa Hintzke, UN representative Eleanor Schlesinger (second from right) and VP Sophia Ling are participating the event “Women in Government: Influencing Economic and Social Change” at UN conference building.