2014 PPSEAWA International Midterm Council Meeting
時間Date: 2014.09.01-04 地點Venue: 美國芝加哥 Chicago, United States
2014期中會議理事會理事及各國代表在芝加哥飯店合影 Delegates from PPSEAWA Chapters at a reception hosted by PPSEAWA USA.
(自左至右) 中華民國青年代表張佩鑾與日本青年代表Takezawa及日本分會會員於理事會中留影。 From left to right are the two Youth Representatives Ms. Polly Chang from Taiwan and Ms. Yukiko Takezawa from Japan as well as a member from Japan during the Council Meeting.第一次理事會議主席台, (左) 夏威夷財務長 斐濟代表 總會會長 秘書長(泰國分會會長)。 From left are Susan Iwamura, treasurer; Ravesi Johnston, 1st vice president; . Teresa Hintzke, president of PPSEAWA International and Mondhiya Bhagsbha, secretary and CoNGO for Asia-Pacific of PPSEAWA International.總會現任會籍組理事Akari Yamada及資深代表與台灣代表合影。 (middle) Membership convener Ms. Akari Yamada, is with a council member and a delegate.
第一次理事會議,青年代表(台灣 張珮鑾) 美國總會會長及馬來西亞會長2016年會總召合影。 (left to the right ) Polly Chang, youth representative from Taiwan, PPSEAWA International president Ms. Teresa Hintzke, Dato Abdul Hamid Rahmah, president of Malaysia.楊資華秘書長代表陳淑珠理事長報告台灣分會活動及分享台灣新建置的網頁內容。 Helen Yang,secretary general of PPSEAWA Taiwan representing Ms. Regina Chen, president of PPSEAWA Taiwan reporting the country report and sharing the bilingual website.總會助理秘書蔣美娟與來自夏威夷財務長蘇珊在酒會上合影。 (left) Assistant secretary Mei-Chuan,Chao and council treasurer Susan Iwamura are at the welcome reception at Drake hotel.
台灣代表參加中理事會期開幕酒會與總會會長及資深理事合影。 Delegates from PPSEAWA Taiwan are with Ms. Teresa Hintzke (the third from the right), president of PPSEAWA International and senior council members at the opening ceremony.
日本 台灣 美國 斐濟代表於理事會午宴合影。 Delegates from Japan, Taiwan, USA and Fiji at the lunch of the Council Meeting at Drake Hotel in Chicago理事會午宴,日本 斐濟 美國代表共桌午餐 Council members at the lunch at Drake hotel in Chicago
芝加哥 韓國 日本 馬來西亞 夏威夷 日本 台灣會員午餐合影。 Delegates from USA, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Hawaii and Taiwan Farewell lunch.台灣代表與總會會長合影,(自左至右)秘書長楊資華、 青年理事張珮鑾、總會長Teresa Hintzke、 張麗莉理事 凌渝英國際理事會副會長及台灣分會監事楊珍妮。 (left) Helen Yang, Polly Chang, Ms. Teresa Hintzke, Lily Chang, Sophia Ling and Jenny Yang.
防制婦女人口販賣研討會,台灣主講人婦援會代表耿雙雙與美國紐約代表及白智芳主任。 (left) The workshop speaker Ms. Shuang-Shuang Keng, NY-NY Director Eleanor Schlesinger, Jasmine Bai at Loyola University Chicago
婦援會代表台灣分會主講台灣防範人口販賣經驗及對策分享,主講人耿雙雙小姐。 Speaker Ms. Shuang Shuang Keng is sharing Taiwan’s Strategies for Improving Awareness and Advocacy. The presentation is under the joint venture between PPSEAWA Taiwan and Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation.
台灣與會代表參加防制婦女人口販賣研討會。 Taiwan delegates are participating the workshop at Loyola University.台灣代表團拜訪芝加哥台北經濟文化辦事處,與郭聖明代表(中)合影(左二)為項邦珍僑務顧問。 Delegates from PPSEAWA Taiwan visiting Taipei Economic & Culture Office (TECO) in Chicago with Mr.Samuel S. M. Kuo (middle), deputy director general of TECO and Ms. Bonnie Chin (second from the left), Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission (OCAC) advisor.