International Mandarin Summer Camp of North Orange County Culture Association
美國橙縣北橙青少年台灣教育文化參訪團為期2星期學習及文化行,參觀中正紀念堂外交部等台灣最具代表性歷史景點。 International Summer Camp organized by North Orange County Chinese Culture Association spent 2 weeks lessons including local tour of C.K.S. Memorial Hall, MOFA and other historic landmarks to educate campers the history and beauty about Taiwan.
陳淑珠理事長贊助美國橙縣北橙青少年台灣教育文化參訪團,與北橙中文學校前校長同時也是本會青年代表張珮鑾於外交部合影。 President Regina Chen co-sponsored International youth summer camp of North Orange County Chinese Culture Association, Mrs. Chen and camp director (former principal of NOCCS) PPSEAWA youth representative Polly Chang participated the welcome reception at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC Taiwan.
外交部秘書回部辦事鄧卓然先生進一步與孩子們互動讓孩子們暢談他們心中的台灣。 Mr. Charles Teng, first secretary on public diplomacy coordination council of MOFA initiated a meeting with youth campers to listen their ideas and educate campers to appreciate the beauty and democracy in Taiwan.
外交部葉小姐向孩子們解說著凱達格蘭大道上數棟百年建築物代表著不同的歷史年代。 Ms. Wallis Yeh, the officer of public diplomacy planning section of MOFA explained the history about antique buildings around the Po-Ai district near President Hall.
外交部特別安排了認識台灣的座談會,向孩子們介紹台灣的特色。 MOFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) arranged the presentation to introduce the history and cultures about Taiwan with the vision of global perspectives.
經過半個月的認識與相處,台灣已在孩子們心中留下具體的印記不再是書本上的一個名詞而已。 Youth campers enjoyed the cultural diversity of Taiwan after 2 weeks Mandarin lessons at Tatung University and local tour.