座談會席間,與會貴賓與引言人合影。(右方後排本會代表林清美理事) Seminar’s speakers and modulators are getting together.
泛太平洋暨東南亞婦女協會與千代文教基金會及實踐家政文化教育基金會共同承辦反思「媒體的力量」座談會 PPSEAWA Taiwan and the Millennium Cultural and Educational Foundation ( MCEF ) jointly held a seminar on the reflection on media power on April 17th, 2014.出席的會姐與服務於教育界的前理事長合影:林淑恭、楊靜江、楊前理事長、談鳳英、吳雪娥。 Five members from PPSEAWA Taiwan past Former President W.Y. Yang is in the middle.
代表本會理事長出席的林清美理事 Ms. C. M. Lin, council member of PPSEAWA Taiwan represented president Regina Chen to participate the seminar.非常關心議題的會姐們一早抵達會場:左起楊靜江、談鳳英、林淑恭 Three senior members from PPSEAWA Taiwan ( from left to right ) Ms.C.C. Yang , Ms. F.Y. Tam and Ms. Kony Lin were at the seminar much earlier than it starting .
教育部代表楊志忠科長期望品格教育的推廣能透過多元活動來宣導,也在無形中深化每個學生及公民的品格涵養。The representative from the Ministry of Education also talks about his point of view on the Media Power.中央研究院社會科學研究所吳齊殷博士及千代文教基金會研究部主任、實踐大學助理教授胡正文博士引言媒體對社會的影響及媒體下的教育與社會。 Scholars from the Universities and Research Centers talk about point of view on the Media Power .本會楊前理事長發言表達身為社會一份子應該勇敢表達出自己理性意見、社會呈現多元發展。Former President of PPSEAWA Taiwan , Ms. W.Y.Yang is expresses her point of view on the media power issue.
政治大學新聞系副教授江靜之博士引言如何發揮媒體正面效能。 Deputy professor Ms. J. T. Jiang from the department of Journalism of National Chengchi University wishes the media could providing positive power.台北市教育局馮清皇副局長致詞表示媒體在當代社會扮演著領航著的角色,期盼透過更多正面關注與報導,才能引領社會走向和諧良善的互動。 The representative from the Educational Bureau of Taipei City Government talk about his point of view on the Media Power.座談會主持人千代文教基金會董事長樊楚才先生致詞。 From the left is Mr. C.T. Fan, Chairman of the MCEF who presiding over the seminar.
座談會圓滿成功,本會出席會姐與千代基金會執行長合影。 PPSEAWA Taiwan’s participants are get together after the seminar.