關於本會About PPSEAWA

PPSEAWA Taiwan ROC has been a National Member Organization of PPSEAWA International since 1928. It has proudly and diligently carried on PPSEAWA’s important missions of promoting peace internationally, and improving social, economic, and cultural status of women in Taiwan for many decades.
PPSEAWA中華民國分會(以下簡稱PPSEAWA Taiwan)第14、15任理事長陳淑珠女士是一位擁護婦女權益的傑出企業家。自2013年7月接任後,陳理事長以其寶貴的企業經營經驗、專業知識,以及對女性權益的堅定承諾,重新塑造了PPSEAWA Taiwan,使其成為在台灣備受尊崇之國際性NGO組織。在過去幾年,PPSEAWA Taiwan協助促進了婦女權益的提升,性別平權的落實,同時也非常重視PPSEAWA Taiwan的國際連結,大力推動「以國際交流促進國民外交」的理念。
PPSEAWA Taiwan積極參與PPSEAWA國際總會的各項重要活動,同時也促成PPSEAWA會員國多次來台灣進行婦女權益、環境保護、社區關懷等議題的實質交流,大幅提升PPSEAWA Taiwan的國際地位。陳理事長積極任事,帶進創新的理念,在2014年推出PPSEAWA Taiwan雙語網站,以加深國際友人對PPSEAWA台灣在各項重要工作的認識,陳理事長為了強化PPSEAWA Taiwan的國際參與,除了派員參與聯合國舉辦的婦女地位委員會(CSW),更首次在2016年CSW60籌組週邊平行會議論壇,這項重要的國際會議,PPSEAWA Taiwan年年參與,至今已進入第五年。透過積極的參與及承擔,PPSEAWA Taiwan期盼回饋社會,並成為一個推動台灣婦女與國際交流及落實性別平權的永續發展平台。
President of PPSEAWA Taiwan, Ms. Regina Chen, is an outstanding entrepreneur and a longtime women’s right advocator in Taiwan. She took this esteemed presidency position in July, 2013. With her valuable business experiences and expertise, she has reinvented PPSEAWA Taiwan as a well-respected organization. Over the past years, PPSEAWA Taiwan has strengthened mutual understanding and friendships among women in Taiwan as well as in Pan-Pacific and Southeast Asia. It focused on experience sharing and promoted people-to-people diplomacy, with a particular emphasis from women’s perspective. In 2014, PPSEAWA Taiwan launched its bilingual website to promote deeper understanding of PPSEAWA’s work. In 2016, for the first time, PPSEAWA Taiwan organized and sponsored a parallel event at UN CSW60, and this activity has continued annually to CSW64 of this year.
在推動國內相關工作上,針對現代婦女和兒童需求的認知,PPSEAWA Taiwan定期舉辦各種女性議題的倡議論壇,例如:「網絡犯罪對女性的影響」、「媒體力量的反思」;針對從事照護工作及尋求技能的女性提供實用培訓課程,如:「照護中心及家庭照護工作」、「女性居家修繕培訓」、「女性與談判」等項目;針對提升年輕人對國際參與的熱忱,PPSEAWA Taiwan經常性地舉辦青年志工培訓,探討研究國際關係、介紹國際政府組織、國際非政府組織、並培養年輕人團隊精神及領導能力。
To increase awareness in the needs of today’s women and children, PPSEAWA Taiwan has regularly hosted advocacy forums on various women’s issues, such as “Cybercrime Against Women & Girls” and “Reflection on Media Power—from women’s perspective”. It also has organized many useful training sessions, like “Women and Negotiation”, “Caregiving at Families and Care Centers” and “Handy Women Training Projects” for care takers and skill-seeking women. Moreover, it has held Youth Workshops yearly on issues regarding international relations, international NGO advocacy, team-building and leadership training etc., aiming to broaden young people’s interests in international participation.
PPSEAWA Taiwan非常榮幸能於2019年6月22日至27日在台灣舉辦第27屆PPSEAWA國際年會,這是百年來的第一次。我們相信這個重要的國際年會,為我們的會員提供了很好的機會,藉此強化與來自全世界之PPSEAWA姐妹們的友誼和合作,同時,也將為PPSEAWA總會及聯合國長期以來追求的永續發展目標(SDGs)做出具體貢獻。PPSEAWA Taiwan將繼續一本初衷,秉持92年來之歷史傳承,致力實踐PPSEAWA的重要使命,成為PPSEAWA國際總會與全球社會不可或缺的一份子。
PPSEAWA Taiwan is very honored and privileged to host the 27th PPSEAWA International Conference in Taiwan from June 22 to 27, 2019. This offers a great opportunity for our members to deepen friendships and cooperations with all PPSEAWA sisters. With our 90 plus years of legacy and commitment to contributing the sustainable development goals that PPSEAWA International and the UN have long pursued, PPSEAWA Taiwan will stride to be a vital part of PPSEAWA International and global community.